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Member Spotlight Monday

Briefly tell us about yourself: your family, education, work background, etc.

My husband and I have been married for almost 18 years and have six beautiful children (currently 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12) - one boy, followed by five girls. I have a degree in health education from Indiana University, and worked in classroom settings before having our first child. I now have the honor and joy of homeschooling all of our kids. I have always loved to draw, but it wasn’t until my 22nd birthday, when my mom noticed that I was dealing with depression and sent me a set of oil paints, brushes, and canvas, that I began painting. Prior to having children, I got to travel to Italy and Slovenia to study under another artist for a week long workshop.

Aside from art, what other kinds of things do you enjoy doing?

My most favorite thing to do is worship God. I also love singing, dancing, and playing the piano. And I love being outside unless it’s too hot or too cold. As a family, we love to travel and experience new places together. I also love playing board games.

Who are some of your favorite artists you go to for inspiration (past or living)?

Classics: Pablo Picasso, Vincent Van Gogh, Wassily Kandinsky, Henry Matisse

Current: Scott Naismith, Jane Davies, Jodi Ohl, Peter Wileman, Wyatt Legrand

Do you have any secret talents you’d like to share?

I am wicked good at Boggle (the original game of Words with Friends). The words just jump off the cubes at me. Most people will not play with me because they don't want to lose. :)

Anything about you that not many people know about? I genuinely love people and am fascinated by all of creation. I gasp at beautiful sunsets and marvel at the beauty within every human I meet. Also, I am so sensitive that I can't watch intense or scary movies or TV shows, as they will give me nightmares for weeks.

Do you have a favorite quote? If so, what is it?

I have a few. But one of my favorites is: “You don’t stop playing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop playing.” May I never stop playing!

What are some of your biggest accomplishments (art or life)?

Hands down, my six amazing children! We suffered several losses (miscarriages) throughout our parenting journey. So we truly view these kiddos as gifts from the Lord! And they are seriously some of THE MOST amazing humans on this planet – deeply caring, wildly creative, and tremendously gifted individuals.

Do you have any favorite pieces of artwork of your own?

Gosh. Picking a favorite piece is like picking a favorite child. Haha. I don’t think I can do it! But I will share some recent ones that I have enjoyed.

What mediums to you create in?

Basically, I just love to play and experiment with EVERYTHING...especially color. I began drawing at a young age, and have explored and created artwork in oils, acrylics, watercolors, pen and ink, oil pastels, and soft pastels. I am also a photographer (specializing in newborn portraiture). I have enjoyed playing with fabrics and sewing and also playing with wood carving and burning. I am also a writer and have written over 6 children’s books, with even more books partially completed. I recently invested in a drawing tablet and have been delving into the world of digital art and illustration, and have been busy designing greeting cards.

I created all of these this past week...

“I can’t help but create. And so I will.”

For more information about Leslie and her work, please visit her website at

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